Client : Godrej

Godrej: Game Design


Many women enrolled in the Godrej Salon-i programme across the country. However, most applicants had hardly left their neighbourhoods or their home state. Godrej needed a creative fix to help the applicants feel just a little less alien to each other.


To help the participants of the Godrej Salon-i programme break the ice, learn a bit about the different states they come from and build a bond over a fun activity.

New Bonds

​​Inspired by the many memory games of our youth, we conceptualised India Jaano — a game that attempted to bridge that gap in exposure while creating new relationships.

Breaking the Ice

The game was played in teams to encourage discussion. A large central board with an illustrated map of India served as the centrepiece of the game, functioning as both a team demarcator and as an additional conversation starter.

“ There were shrieks and fear and awe at the lunch table. The team from North East states had pickle made from something unthinkable by many - and there were already clashes between the women fasting and the others feasting - India was divided here as well. How could we address this divide? The Ladyfingers team designed this game - learning about the country through a fun quiz. They structured a gameplay that would encourage discussion and sharing - and soon the dinner table conversations were attempts to come together, trade information. We still have divisions.. but we are no longer aliens - “others” - since we tried to know more about where everyone comes from. ”

- Poulomi Pal, Programme Manager, Godrej

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